My Portafolio

My ProjectsMy VideosAbout MeContact

Hi, I'm Oswaldo

And I'm a FrontEnd Developer

I'm a React and NextJS developer with responsive oriented programming on apps with the must updated technologies.

My Projects

Websites UI clones


facebook clone ui

Facebook UI Clone

This was a personal project where I used react js and Bootstrap 5 for all the responsive desing, for the icons I used google icons. I used the actual Facebook UI as a reference and started from there.
Technologies: React, Bootstrap 5
amazon clone ui

Amazon UI Clone

This was a personal project where I used NextJs and MaterialUI for all the responsive desing including the MUI icons. I used the actual Amazon UI as a reference and started from there.
Technologies: NextJS, MaterialUI


This was a project presented in my current job where a Wiki system was neede to save the documentation of the area. This project was made with NextJs and MaterialUI with a connection to Firestores where their Firebase and hosting was needed.
Technologies: NextJS, MaterialUI, Firebase

NextJs Projects



This was a web page created for a made up guitar's store in L.A where all the information was brought using a CMS
Technologies: NextJS, Strapi CMS, Cloudinary, MongoDB


A clone of the Product Hunt webpage where you can search for a product and also sell anything on it. You can actually post and rate products in this project
Technologies: NextJS, Emotion React, Firebase


This project is a system to upload images to a remote server, cloud version styled with the skill to drag and drop images for the better user experience with a full stack development.
Technologies: NextJS, TailwindCSS, JWT, Dropzone, NodeJS

React and Gatsby Projects



This project was made to present the web page of a made up hotel to check the available rooms and all their information using a CMS for the client to update easily using GraphQL to optimize the retreiving of the Data.
Technologies: GatsbyJS, DatoCMS, GraphQL


A page made to calculate the current price of the different crypto currencies on the market using an external RestAPI.
Technologies: ReactJS, Styled Components, Axios


This project was made for a control system of projects. You can create a project and anybody with a username and a password can interauct with it. This was fullstack project
Technologies: React, TailwindCSS, Express, NodeJS, MongoDB

Videos Of My Work

Facebook UI Clone

A video made when I did the Facebook UI with React and Bootstrap 5

Amazon UI Clone

A video made when I did the Amazon UI with NextJS and MaterialUI

About Me

Work Experience

Senior Production Control Analyst - Conduent Guatemala

Feb 2020 - Present
After one yearworking as Production Control Analyst I got promoted to the senior role, where I monitored production processes and computer programs to test reliability and accuracy of overall production working along side different departments.

Profesional services in computer and systems

Ago 2017 - Nov 2017
Maintenance of hardware, as well as maintenance, installation and optimization of invoiced software in the following companies: - Mundo Editorial Sóphos - Intervención Municipal, Municipalidad de San Miguel Petapa


Spanish: Native
English: C2 (Advance)
Frech: B1 (Lower Intermediate) Certificate from Bussu



Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) - Coursera 2019
University of Michigan
Building Web Aplications in PHP - Coursera 2019
University of Michigan
JavaScript, jQuery and JSON - Coursera 2019
University of Michigan
Building Database Aplications in PHP - Coursera 2019
University of Michigan
Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap - Coursera 2021
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
React - La Guia Completa - 2021
Introduction to Fron-End Development - Coursera 2022
Programming with JavaScript - Coursera 2022

Formal Education

Colegio Américano de Guatemala 2011 - 2013
Bachillerato en Ciencias y Letras
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala 2017 - 2019
Ingeniería en Ciencias y Sistemas (3 years - Incomplete)



Phone: 45661063

Todos los derechos reservados